Labrador Canada needs a law that sets the election date and makes it necessary to vote. For example: the first Monday after September 15th, every 4 years. The Canadian claim to democracy is an election every 4 or 5 years and more often when and if the prime minister sees an opportunity -- 3 years. There is no set date. Therefore this Canadian date with democracy is an unknown factor even to the prime minister himself until the opportunity arrives. Canadians then elect a series of politicians and immediately loose control of their government again until the next election at an unknown date in the future. Very few Canadians benefit from this system because they are shut out from government input. Canadians on the whole are not allowed to vote for their prime minister or allowed recall or binding referendums. Canadian MPs are obliged to forget their constituents and toe the party line -- no free votes. An elite cadre of invisible bureaucrats and visible dunderheads run the government. And then it gets worse. The Canadian Government has evolved into a struggle between those who tax, spend, give, grant and socialize everything and those who want fewer taxes, less corruption, less big government, equality for all Canadians -- not just special-interest groups -- and more democracy. Under the present patronage system Canadians pay the highest taxes in the industrialized world and carry the highest proportional debt -- $600 billion. This Canadian federal government has expanded out of all proportion in every direction and instead of just looking after defence, foreign relations, currency, foreign debt and the central bank, it has extended its tentacles into propaganda, airlines, electricity, employment, unemployment, culture, Indians, hockey, NGOs and provincial areas of jurisdiction health, welfare and education. Their monstrous federal bureaucracies consume 53% of the national income. Seventy percent of Canadian taxes go to support this closed shop of a vast federal bureaucracy. And then it gets worse. The federal government has fallen under the influence of special-interest groups. These organized groups: left-wing socialists, gays, lesbians, feminists, Quebecois, multiculturalists, prisoners, pedophiles, minorities, abortionists, UN people, Indians, appointed-for-life Supreme Court justices, immigration industry, social workers, civil servants, unionists, welfare recipients, people who need grants or loans in Shawinigan and people without ethics. These groups and their patronage friends have infiltrated almost every facet of the Canadian government. They dominate or control federal programs. This oligarchy of special-interest groups let their invisible fingers manipulate the systems so that their special-interest are front and center in government programs, spending and court decisions while all the time the majority of Canadians are quietly kept out of the loop. If you are a member of a special interest group you might appreciate homosexual-marriage decisions or kiddie porn from the Supreme Court or if you are an Indian you might appreciate a decision that allows you to fish all year or the Nisgaa agreement. If you are within the loop you might also appreciate an HRDC grant or a massive loan from a government-associated bank with the help of a few phone calls from the prime minister but if you are outside the loop, you are merely a number. Individual Canadians are not liked by the federal government. Your MP does not even represent you. He represents his political party party discipline. This past election had a 63% Canadian voter turnout. The Liberals got 41% of the votes of this 63%. Therefore those who declined to vote 37% of Canadians could have changed the outcome of the election. Therefore a very small proportion of Canadians actually elect the government and the proportion of non-voters who refused to exercise their right to democracy could have changed the outcome of the election. These large groups of non-voters are allowing the activists to control the government. The ruling Liberals in Ottawa see nothing wrong with this system because they and their special-interest friends continue in control. Canada needs a law that sets a firm date for elections and compels Canadians to vote in all elections. This is the only system that will thwart the hidden agendas of manipulative politicians and special-interest groups. This law would give Canada back to all Canadians. Citizens who have come to accept democracy should also accept the obligation and responsibility to ensure that democracy is not bent or twisted by powerful politicians or special-interest groups. If the Australians can do it, and have done it since 1918, why not the Canadians? If the Americans know the dates of their elections years in advance, why can't the Canadians have the same advantage? It is the people to whom all authority belongs. Thomas Jefferson. Australian voting law Complete Australian voting Act