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Supreme Court of Canada dressed in red. Canadian Supreme Court decisions are made by people who are never questioned and dress up in red gowns. Supreme
Court of Canada The
Canadian Supreme Court base their decisions on a charter, That
turns all the laws passed in Parliament into a nonstarter. They
show how these appointed judges can make their own laws, And
pronounce themselves omnipotent amid political applause. When
these appointees are all dress up like Santa Clause, No
prime minister has dared to use the notwithstanding clause, Appointees
are never questioned bout their vested preferences, Special
interests, prejudices or who made their secret references. And
they are appointed for life till they turn seventy-five or die, And
their decisions are obeyed just like old Captain Bligh, 'Cause
no one dares to protest it's not politically correct, Canadian
could be frowned on if they even show disrespect. These
judges then tell the parliament what is law and what is not, And
politicians may as well go stand out on the parking lot. They've
changed a hundred laws while these politicians just watched, While
lawyers nod their heads and show Parliament can be botched. Dictatorships
rely on constant education by the media, They
use newspapers, radio, TV, books and even the encyclopedia, Eventually
a pounded down populace agree that they are right, And
police themselves accordingly cause its better to be polite. This
judicial dictatorship does not need parliamentary debate, No
rough and ready democracy could be slow and irate. When
everything can be centralized and no questioned asked, While
politicians travel the world and corruption can be masked. People
all bow their heads while phony refugees take us for fools, No
one dares to question policy cause the Supreme Court rules, And
the Charter that they read covers everyone on earth, Just
obey the rules, shut your mouth and dont ever show no mirth. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Canadian Supreme Court and Democracy By James
Bredin Dictatorial
decisions by an appointee, Dumbed
down democracy damned difficult to see, Unaccountable
judges excused from questions asked, 'Bout
their individual interests or eccentric pasts. Appointed
for life or until they're seventy-five, Judicial
dictatorship while they're still alive, Dressed
up like ancient bishops wearing long gowns, What
they see in the Charter could change with a frown. And
don't dare to think or ever ask a question, Just
believe, have faith and never make a suggestion, Though
they may change every second law in the land, While
real lawmakers stand by with their heads in the sand. And
their sacred status quo set rigid still in time, Like
standing straight in history -- supreme and sublime, In
some ancient Roman relief on a castle wall, Before
their imperial empire began to fall. And
they proclaim that this is all democracy, Just
that they have been pronounced aristocracy, And
isn't equality great with no recall? Without
referendums with your backs to the wall? And
changes can be stopped with a snap election, Special
programs for the voting-block selections, Where
less than half the people even bother to vote, Because
they know that change is distant and remote.
By James Bredin Where does she come from; somewhere over there; Near the pizzeria at Dufferin and St Clair. They say she knows English or maybe it is
French, And now she's been appointed to the Supreme
Court Bench. She took a course at night school two years
ago today, She's politically correct in every single
way. She has a hidden agenda and belongs to certain
groups. These multicultural activists types have read
a few books. And now dear sir, your questions; they're
causing some strife. She's a single mother with connections and
her appointment is for life. That's all you're allowed to know and that
laws written down, And soon she'll be wearing that red and white
gown. What do you mean, she doesn't stand for anything
at all? She has a paper from night school hanging
on her wall. How much does it take to decide a Charter
case? A red gown and a stool and a scowl on your
face. She's at home right now reading the Charter. She says it covers everyone -- terrorists
or martyrs, Her appointment is final; Canadians if you
please, Continue being submissive or she'll look down
on you as sleaze.
![]() By James Bredin The Supreme Court judges should be free from politicians, And their life-time appointments should not have conditions, They should not have to base their decisions on his Charter, Written for all including illegals and terrorist martyrs. The man who appointed them wrote their international Charter, Him and Trudeau back around the time of President Jimmy Carter, His appointees altered more laws than parliament can make, Heavy handed decisions where no people can partake. If the Supreme Court rules then why vote for politicians? If the laws on the books are altered without votes or traditions? Common law or case law changed by this unquestioned bunch, Their bigotry and intolerance wrapped up in a secret hunch. Judicial dictatorship is the phrase that has been used, By those who are confused and not terribly amused, But Liberals love it they avoid all dicey decisions, Don't use the "notwithstanding clause" nor Charter revisions. The propaganda of their faithful comes on strong every day, From their media moguls who guide Canadians in this fray, The Charter they say is the best thing ever since sliced bread, It matters little that in the meantime if democracy is dead. So believe in them and their court because they are supreme, It doesn't matter if their decisions on porn and spouse are extreme, We're all in this together and were such a happy bunch, Forget about it, go to Tim Hortons and maybe have some lunch.
By James Bredin Trudeau wrote the Charter for all humanity. That's everyone in the world -- not just Christianity, Thousands say they're refugees, all coming
here, Bringing wives and children and then disappear, And Canadians who read the Charter are just
one or two, And those who understand it are indeed very
few, Aboriginals are not Canadian and allowed special
rights, From old Indian treaties -- no changes, no
rewrites, And Canadians have been told to be enthusiastic, The Charter is not drastic -- it's fantastic, That Canadians should be denied rights to their possessions, Even the UN Charter allowed these concessions.
By James Bredin The Charter has been touted
as such a terrific thing Those righteous pious
propagandists constantly sing From their lofty command
cubicles high in administration How Trudeau's Charter
caused our foundation and salvation We should believe and
behave and forget about the flaws We should applause because
it is the basis of our laws And the Supreme Court
will tell us when to breath and what to think Where left is right and
right is wrong and everyone is pink We should never critique
it and stick to the status quo And buy their bilingualism
with all our taxpayers' dough Though they tell us all
we're equal but Indians are unique They can claim their treaty
rights with our property rights oblique He wrote the Charter for
everyone -- that's all humanity It doesn't mean Canadians
-- its communist insanity Where phony refugees can
claim all their Charter rights With judicial justification
to the Supreme Court heights By The Supreme Court judges are appointed to the bench, Without hearings or questions from the public
trench, 'Bout special interests that could influence
a case, Or conduct in the past that could bring lots
of disgrace. The danger is in their political connections, Are they influenced by feminists with objections? They're appointed for life, till 75 or die, And their time on the bench could see justice
say goodbye. Canadians are not allowed to have these notions, Not allowed to question political promotions, And propaganda restrains any public clamor, 'Bout dictatorship or nepotism with a hammer. The hidden connections are therefore under the table, Not front and center like a new-product label, We are forced to believe because we have no
option, That they change our laws because of Charter adoption. |
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Ms. McLachlin, head lady at the Supreme Court. And with the best hair do.
![]() ![]() ![]() This is the time and temperature James
Bredin It
is assumed that the government should enforce all the laws, But
not if the Supreme Court decides that these laws may have flaws, And
every little criminal gets a chance with the Charter, Written
by Trudeau and Chretien in the days of Jimmy Carter. Therefore
those who make the laws are all second-guessed at best, And
those who enforce them realize that each case is just a test, While
lifetime judge appointees who search for lenient conditions, Dressed
up like lords of the castle they write their weird decisions. Add
to that mixture, refugee criminals from overseas, Wined
and dined and waited on by refugee lawyers if you please, Because
multicultural groups have weight and lay down conditions, Their
voting-block numbers mean much more to pompous politicians. And
in a one-party state where our voting patterns rule, Individuals
are nothing its the judges that are cool, No
referendums or recall to keep political check, Designed
by politicians for politicians so what the heck? Sunday,
August 17, 2003 ![]() ![]() This is the time and temperature Judges Appointed for Life By James
Bredin They
worry that someone might want to vet Supreme Court judges, 'Cause
some believe they might be in league or have particular grudges, And
they're allowed to decide and destroy every law in the land, And
that means you so stand up straight and obey their last command. We'll
have special-interest gay marriages foisted on us all, And
we'll accept all these legal decisions just because, It's
what you get when you have no input; what do you expect? Is
this not what we want 'cause its so politically correct? And
these secretive Supreme Court judges appointed by friends, Dress
up in red gowns for pictures in keeping with the trends, And
the special-interest types all scream the system still works, And
secret agenda is well hidden by secretive dorks. ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() By James Bredin If your lesbian Supreme Court judge was feminist to boot, And she sent you to jail for years without giving a hoot, And her hidden interests, you were not allowed to know, As she scowled without question and you learned to kowtow. 'Cause unlike the Americans, Canadians can't ask, This political appointee with a face like a mask, Are you a butch, gay, queer or just another simple dyke? Are you in a same-sex marriage and is this what you like? Is that a swastika tattooed in red on your arm? Are you that way inclined and would it do any harm? Is that a moustache or just a few hairs on your lip? Should those who own guns be given the whip? Is hanging a good thing or is hanging way out? Should so many prisoners be out and about? Are those black jackboots you've got on your feet? In the middle of the summer in this ninety-degree heat? Why should you be allowed to change all the laws in the land? No notwithstanding clause used for a political stand? Why should you turn us into this totalitarianism? Does democracy count in your authoritarianism?
Canadian Charter of Rights # 3 By James Bredin Canadians never asked for a Charter of Rights History had been kind to them under the northern
lights, But socialist politicians had these rights
written down, Got the Queen to sign them with the weight
of the crown. No referendum, no callbacks and no election
dates, No political term limits and they can close
all debates, No proportional representation or questioned
high court judges, 'Bout their special interests, prejudices
or socialist grudges. The Charter weighed Canadians with accountability, For phony refugees and terrorists with all
their hostility, This socialist Charter was written for everyone
on earth, Saddled Canadians with responsibility without
much mirth. Everything in the Charter, Canadians already
had, Plus property rights not in the Charter -- too bad. The socialists stipulated that their governments
would decide, And their appointed judges would point the
way and guide. Canadians accepted that this was the way to
go, Complements of Jean Chretien and Pierre Elliot
Trudeau, No one objected as these politicians had their
way, Taxed and spent and traveled and doubled doubled
their pay. But the dollar dived down, down to almost
to sixty cents, Plus the six hundred billion dollar national
debt nonsense, The politically correct jumped up and said
everythings okay, These socialists are happy while Canadians
are led astray. ![]() By James
Bredin The
Charter of Rights was written by Trudeau in nineteen eighty two, And
the changes that have occurred since then, no one expected or knew, They've
changed the laws a hundred times more than parliament has made, Parliament
turned to a TV pantomime and the people felt betrayed, But
the propaganda of the media said everything was great, Judges
could change the laws and no need for parliamentary debate, And
those MPs who were elected to go to Could
join committees, travel the world or write letters to Santa Clause. These
judges are secretly selected by Chretien to serve on high, Dressed
up like bishops till they turn seventy-five or die, And
base their decisions on their private Charter interpretations No
questions, no demonstrations, no deportations or complications, 'Cause
Canadians are compliant they have been told to obey, And
they would never believe that maybe they've been led astray, 'Cause
unlike the Americans, Canadians are not allowed to ask questions, Of
these secretly selected nobodies from nowhere on nobody's suggestions. Questions
are forbidden 'bout hidden agendas, policies or homosexuality, Or
connections to lobby groups, feminists, pedophilia or morality, The
policies and laws that they've changed are too many to just list, But
any little study will show that someones getting kissed, 'Cause
the Charter of Rights is being imposed whether we like it or not, And
Canadians are being allowed to do absolutely squat. We're
not allowed to notice the flaws in their laws, And
this is all being done by folk dressed up like Santa Clause.
Appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada By James Bredin You are not allowed to question Supreme Court appointees, 'Bout past prejudices, special interests or feminist families, 'Bout wisdom, welfare, warfare, education or about sports. Is it in the Bible somewhere or is it something God wrote? Are these appointees so extraordinary, high and mighty? Are we so low or forever forbidden to query quietly? About their job for life, until they turn seventy-five or die? About changing all these laws while were not allowed to ask why. No need to discuss or converse changes to his Charter, Written for everyone including terrorist criminal martyrs, So they can go to his appointed Canadian Supreme Court, While politicians are off visiting some exotic resort. No need for referendums in this judicial oppression, Where judges are chosen from some secret line of succession, In this docile democracy of political correction, Actions hidden by an Access Act casting protection. I feel I should apologize for asking you to think, Because so much is decided without questions -- with a wink, And you're expected to believe that they are always right, No need to change their Charter because you have to stay polite.
The Liberals, the Supreme Court and you By James Bredin The Liberals have a program for all
the poor in the globe, Legals, illegals, refugees or terrorist
students under probe,
'Cause the Third World is part oftheir
political propaganda, That they push and promulgate every
day in their agenda. And at the UN they often make announcements
about peace, Theyll double foreign aid budget instead
of decrease, Canadian taxpayers will pay cause they
never complain, Bowed down by political correctness
and Liberal campaign. They have never asked Canadians even
once, what they think? Done quietly in committee or in council
with a wink, No need for referendums when appointees
will change it all, The Supreme Court will take the call without set dates or recall. The Activists and the Supreme Court By James Bredin Who are these special-interest groups who want to set the trends? Influence their unelected Supreme Court lawmakers and friends, -- Those who quote their own earlier rulings just like
reigning kings, And because they're supreme it doesn't matter what changes
it brings. Have you heard these judges now want much more monarchical
power? -- Provinces to report to them, if they're being good,
by the hour, 'Cause they're a law unto themselves -- no democracy
at all, They're appointees so unlike politicians, they can never
fall. These activist feminists, natives and gay guys who want
to rule, Influence their friends and are no mere managing meddlesome
tool, To get decisions about spouses and same-sex marriages
now, As conniving politicians hide 'cause its not what they'd
So Canada has to rewrite and change the Charter quite
soon, Before we all fall down some legal rat hold like some
buffoon, And we have to check with the Supremes before we get
a kiss, Or see if the outhouse is legal before we have a piss. We're being attacked from within by our Supreme Court
if you please, Our appointees dressed up like bishops by gradual degrees, As they change and make more laws than parliament ever
could, And democracy goes out the door and nothing is understood. There is no doubt we are our own worst enemy after all, And unless we get a handle on their Charter, we'll all
fall, To the pompous propaganda of these dedicated few, The majority will obey, believing it's their cue. |
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