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Canadian Nuclear Stuff //
Canadian Nuclear Power By James Bredin Are we so subservient with our heads in the sand? Silent as they tell us 'bout their new nuclear plan. They never cite Meltdown nuclear radiation radioactive flight, Cancer then added to their communist autocracy, But here in Nuclear addled nerds have charge of the cancer game. Here these elites will study and form a commission, And learn the impact of a Canadian meltdown condition. How many towns and villages would have to be deserted? Should the people in the City of And most important; who should take the blame? For this national disaster nuclear meltdown shame? Can't put the onus on one 'Cause they'll write the report of this $tudy commi$$ion. Radioactive radiation released will shift with the wind, And those downwind will pay for those who have sinned, For being silent and subservient when they should protest, For corrupt politicians who should be under arrest, But the elite appointees of ethics in Far from nuclear radiation and no need for a cancer cure, Propaganda pushed by policies and all will be shelved, Prancing pious pompous prate though nothing was delved. This
is the time and temperature Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) is a colossal expensive money
loser. Without the continuous support of the federal government's uncounted billions
of taxpayers dollars -- it would have died 30 years ago. This love affair with
nuclear power makes sense if it is cheaper, cleaner and safer. It is none of
these three. It could be compared to having a tiger by the tail. And the tiger is hungry. Should you let the tiger go and run
or stay and get eaten? The last thing we need in a situation like this is a politician
with management words straight out of an AECL handbook. Nuclear power in Between 1947 and 1994
the federal government gave AECL $19 billion. The billions and the millions seem
to loose their connection with reality after a while -- $100 million a year subsidy.
Their CANDU nuclear reactors have been declared a commercial failure. They
have not sold a CANDU reactor in ten years while AECL grasps at straws to sell them.
Why does the federal government continue to finance such a failed, stupid and dangerous operation? How do we get out of this swamp? They assure us that everything is fine while we wait downwind for
their irresponsibility to be proven in another Chernobyl-type accident. It is
a graphic illustration of how isolated We know very little about this problem because the secretive nuclear
nerds will not tell us. No one accepts responsibility for mistakes. Nuclear nerds, like born again religious types on TV, all profess to have the faith and we should join
them and also have faith -- that there is no problem with nuclear power. Those who do not believe them are probably unclean, misdirected and obviously in need
of education. We are like lambs being led to Does anyone really know? Does
anyone care? But it gets worse. On
April Fools Day 1999 the government exempted Ontario Hydro from the Freedom of Information laws. Go back to sleep. Therefore not only do we not know but we
cant find out. The cult of nuclear nerds combine their secrecy obsession with attitude,
antagonism, confusion and delays. Add to this, complete Canadian public complacency
and finger-pointing politicians and everyone remains apathetic about radioactivity.
Have we all gone mentally ill? We need an open inquiry into this whole situation. But this is not
likely in a country that could not have an inquiry about the Missing billion at HRDC or the An accident at Bruce Power helped to keep one of Ontario Power Generation has just spent $2.1 billion rebuilding
one of the giant Pickering Nuclear facilities but has yet to provide enough electricity to light one light bulb. A nuclear station has never been rebuilt in the history of the world.
They spent 3 years in planning and 2 years in construction. It was supposed
to be ready for peak demand in July 2003. But guess what. It wont be ready. And this is only the tiny tip of a huge
iceberg. Go back to sleep.
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Nuclear Stuff By James Bredin Nuclear power they say is essential, Like Chernobyl it has certain potential, Like Three Mile Island -- a near meltdown, Expensive too but covered by the crown, And all those nuclear physicists types, With their AECL propaganda hypes, Cost taxpayers $billions day in day out, Like a new religion they have no doubt, Unfortunately this makes me feel assured, That leaked radiation may be obscured. They tell us the CANDU reactor is secure, No reason for Canadians to feel unsure, But people who are all that committed, Could hide flaws that were never admitted.
The Nuclear Waste Problem James Bredin They built CANDU reactors in the fifties in haste, Never thought much about all that nuclear waste, Their total commitment has left us a bad taste, Where to stash the stuff -- radioactive and cancer laced. They established a panel and conferred at length, Then formed a committee and discussed what they spent, Don't panic the public; we have to pay the rent, 'Cause if this stuff blows, they'll be living in a tent. We need a waste management organization they say, Private but government funded -- taxpayers pay. To dig a hole and hide these spent nuclear rods away Deep in the This nuclear stuff stays active for thousands of years, We may be treating our descendents to terrible tears, This long-term planning -- they're giving us the gears And their propaganda is reason enough to have fears. Environmental assessment is a phrase that they use, To hide their objectives and continue their ruse, We are the unfortunates, who will eventually loose, Don't phone your politician, he's away on a cruise. Lets call a moratorium on all this nuclear stuff, Switch to gas, coal or oil -- enough is enough, But he signed Concern for Referendums and callbacks might keep them in check, 'Cause this nuclear cult is a pain in the neck, Their nuclear lobby is high up there on the deck Of Titanic politicians near a nuclear wreck.
Nuclear Headlines By James Bredin They say the staff cut corner at the nuclear plant today Headlines in the Star and these implications won't go 'way Inappropriate behavior, they wrote was the real reason Public paid no attention because they read it every season And a Didn't say about what where or when or who was in consort Because so few know what goes on inside a nuclear plant Fine functionaries fumble frequently and nobody said they can't The quality control inspectors just want to keep their jobs They don't want to be part of those unemployed mobs So they'll restart the reactor because they have the authority Theyll have another meeting to discuss priority with the majority Their safety propaganda is worthy of Joseph Stalin's crowd And what really happens is kept behind their big secret shroud We may find out about this stuff if or when a fire occurs Amid the smoke and radioactivity and nuclear nerd slurs But no worry cause Ministry of Environment says its okay They just signed Forget We're not like them; were nuclear workers and were so noble ![]() Change our Electrical System Now Today was no different the usual day of the week, Again they failed to report and hid another nuclear leak, And the nuclear commissioners left completely in the dark, They may as well have gone and had a long walk in the park, The public watchdog on nuclear guys only knew what they were told, Appointees who knew no nuclear stuff can easily be sold, A false bill of goods about serious radioactive leaks, That could radiate the region into radioactive freaks. And the public has been conditioned because of repetition, Insignificant on page seven with some competition, Like yesterdays news; it will all quietly blow away, Except at Chernobyl where those in the wind still suffer today. Unfortunately were caught because of technology they bought, And their refusal to back off or change what they have wrought, Somewhere in their management I detect someone very thick, Wind generated electricity is clean, its easy and its quick. The Smoke from the Nuclear Power Station By James
Bredin The
left but the sarcophagus -- a huge big pile of bricks, Since
the And
died by the thousands in their radiated cancer dread. Those
who didn't die were doomed to the memory of misery, Because
they had believed their governments demagoguery, That
needed a source -- a huge nuclear electrical supply. And
radiation exposure is a dreadful way to go, As
they tell us the CANDU reactors will never never blow, And
just like the poor people of Pripyat our people believe, And
government propaganda is all we're allowed to receive. Let's
hope that Pickering or Darlington will never never burn, But
should the people who live downwind show the slightest concern? Is
the distant government in Or
should those who are watching the smoke say the occasional prayer? |
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