Conservative Party of Canada //
Conservative Party's New Policies By James
Bredin Stopped
reading new policies because I almost went to sleep, Are
we turning into Liberals following along like sheep? If
this is an example of the changes and where we're all going? I
hate to think of it but I feel the party has stopped growing. The
old boldness has been smothered and botched by blandness for sure, And
if we continue down this track, we will end up in the sewer, 'Cause
bland and Belinda may be beautiful but I hate to say, We
will give the country to the Paul Martin Liberals on a tray. Combine
that with Belindas policies and it just won't cut, We
need someone to stop the country from going down in a rut, May
as well call Red Tory Joe Clark and Mulroney to lead, With
their tax, spend and travel policies and their old GST. How
could this all happen to the old Reform Where
policies were bold and strong and no Liberal compliance, Where
it was good to belong because we knew where we stood, Not
wiggling with weary weasel words that no one understood. Think
referendums, recall or those elected Senate votes, Or
proportional representation -- not shoved down our throats, When
everyone understood where we were with directness, And
we now all bow to the god of political correctness.
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